Friday, February 13, 2009


It is an absolutely a beautiful day here in Barbados. The temperature is in the low eighties with a light breeze. We had an early tour, so at 8am we were on our way. Our first stop was a estate from the mid seventeen century with most period furniture. Our second stop was an orchid farm. Both Judy and I were really impressed with all the lovely orchids, I think Judy took enough pictures to make a complete book of nothing but orchids. I didn’t realize that some were just air orchids and were hanging on supports without any part of them in the ground. We came away from the tour a lot smarter than when we departed, which is always nice. The entertainment aboard ship has been outstanding. Last night we seen a show that was a tribute to Cole Porter and was an extremely high energy performance by the cast. We have seen a wonderful comedic juggler, and also a really funny comedian. Tomorrow, St Kitts.

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